Mildred Yount, Army Air Corp Spouse 

The important work and support our military spouses provide behind the scenes is often overlooked and unfortunately sometimes unknown. Our spouses are the quiet force behind the Force, and this can be seen in many examples throughout history, none less than the adoption of our own Air Force song. The song was solicited by General Westover and General Arnold in 1937 through a contest offering a $1000 prize, paid for by Liberty Magazine. It was written by Robert Crawford, but it was Mrs. Mildred Yount, spouse of General Barton Yount, who championed the song and did the legwork that we see evidence of today -“Hey!” 

Mildred presided as Chairman of the volunteer committee of senior Air Corps wives with musical backgrounds.  This committee parsed more than 650 entries over the course of two years, without finding a good contender.  Days before the contest deadline, Mildred received a phone call from Robert Crawford who sang his song to her over the phone.  Mildred knew that after hundreds of entries they had finally found the one and she predicted it would stand the test of time.  She encouraged Crawford to write down a rough manuscript of his song and she slipped it into the middle of the pile of entries to be fair to the other contestants.  Crawford’s entry was selected unanimously.  He knew his song would have never been chosen though if it were not for the work and support of Mildred Yount. Crawford thanked her for her untiring efforts on “our song.”

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